FFI Data-Sharing Technology for Behavioral Health and Justice Learning Series: Netsmart

Thursday, October 20, 2022 | 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Join NACo and the Familiar Faces Initiative (FFI) for a series of webinars highlighting new technologies that share and integrate data across local behavioral health, health and justice systems. Cross-system data-sharing enables jurisdictions to identify their familiar faces—residents who are cycling through jail, emergency departments, homeless shelters or other crisis services at a high frequency—and better coordinate care to improve outcomes for the highest-needs residents.

Netsmart will provide a first-hand look at how their proven care coordination solutions have been used to support a holistic approach when working with multiple disparate systems and organizations to provide a more person-centered, integrated care network. With the right technology, your organization can manage care and services across the continuum, ensuring the right information is available at the right time to the right providers.

Visit the event page for the most up-to-date information. Questions? Contact ahurley@naco.org

*Hint: DO NOT use your own email if you are registering someone else. You must use the email of the person who will attend. It will also help to use the email that receives NACo correspondence (i.e. your county or organization email).​


If you have any registration questions, please email nacomeetings@naco.org.