Local Regulations, Building Codes and Fees: Improving County Regulation Systems for Efficiency

Wednesday, October 30, 2023 | 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 .pm. Eastern Time

Zoning is important to designate how a parcel of land is used within a community, and a community land use plan seeks to properly map out the land within a county jurisdiction. To built, renovate, or provide quality rental housing also requires infrastructure like roads, utilizes, and broadband, some of which counties build, maintain, regulate, or otherwise support. In this session, three former housing task force members will discuss counties land use and zoning plans and how they relate to tacking counties’ housing affordability challenges.

If you have any questions check out the event page or email Lhegazy@naco.org!

*Hint: DO NOT use your own email if you are registering someone else. You must use the email of the person who will attend. It will also help to use the email that receives NACo correspondence (i.e. your county or organization email).​


If you have any registration questions, please email nacomeetings@naco.org.